Blog posts
January 24, 2025Time To Talk About Disinfection
With the Corona virus, COVID-19, being all over the news and affecting your practices, we see a perfect time to talk about disinfection in your practice. We are limiting this...
Cupping Marks...Bruises or Not?
If a patient says that the cupping mark hurts, the practitioner is typically told that they have over treated the patient. Interestingly, my own cupping marks almost always are tender...
Do YOU Know the Differences in Silicone??
When ordering your silicone products, be sure to ask the supplier what hardness level their cups are...if they don't know, don't order!! It's always better to ask and KNOW what...
When NOT To Cup!
As more and more people discover the benefits of Cupping Therapy for themselves as well as their patients, a lot of questions come up as to when you can - and...
Your Cups Won't Suction??
We see a lot of posts on social media from people asking why their cups won't stick to a specific area. Loss of suction is mainly related to the adhesiveness between...
How to Clean Your Cups
Author: Paul Kohlmeier, BPE, RMT, R.Ac. A regular question that comes from practitioners should I clean my cups? Semicritical Medical equipment/devices are those that comes in contact with nonintact skin...
Does Your Liability Insurance Include Cupping?
Ensure you have proper professional liability insurance...
New Manitoba Distributor
Cupping Canada Inc. is thrilled to announce that Diamond Athletic Medical Supplies located in Winnipeg, Manitoba is now a distributor for our Silicone Cup sets!