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When NOT To Cup!
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When NOT To Cup!

Michelle Roos, LMT and Paul Kohlmeier, BPE, RMT, R.Ac.

As more and more people discover the benefits of Cupping Therapy for themselves as well as their patients, a lot of questions come up as to when you can - and more importantly can NOT - treat with either Silicone or Vacuum Cups.  Please see the following guidelines for when NOT to cup!

Just say no when:

  • Cupping on or over varicose veins
  • Cupping over skin lesions or inflammation
  • Cupping over orifices, or eyes
  • The patient has cancer
  • The patient has organ failure - Renal, hepatic or cardiac
  • The patients has a pacemaker
  • The patient has hemophilia or similar bleeding disorder

Proceed with caution when treating a patient with the following - these are not absolute contraindications, but must be reviewed carefully before proceeding:

  • Please be cautious with cupping over arteries, veins and nerves.
  • Patients with acute infections
  • Patients using anticoagulants - aspirin, warfarin, etc
  • Patients with severe chronic disease (like heart disease)
  • Patients that are pregnant, during puerperium or menstruating
  • Patients who are anemic
  • Patients who have recently given blood or undergone medical procedure
  • Patients who do not consent

If you have any questions about a condition or situation and are unsure as to whether it is safe to proceed with Cupping Therapy, please feel free to email us at and we would be happy to help!

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